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Medii cu neodimiu
RCF was the first manufacturer introducing many of the innovations that are now recognised standard in professional transducers, pioneering new solutions, from inside-outside voice coils to dual spider silicon damped designs. Our range, including several industry milestones, is able to provide innovative tools and solutions for the most demanding speaker manufacturers.
8", 220W RMS
400W program, 3" coil
10", 300W RMS
600W program, 3" coil
Midrange Transducers
RCF has developed two exceptional, sealed, midrange neodymium designs. This innovative solution offer many advantages compared to traditional midranges designs:
• thanks to a massive neodymium magnetic circuit, sensitivity is up to 4 dB higher than traditional designs;
• the optimally tuned rear chamber is sealed and doesn't require the typical back wooden chamber;
• the aluminum basket, in direct contact to the magnetic circuit, provides the best cooling ever found in a midrange transducer.
Selectaţi o categorie sau produse:
Driver-e cu neodimiu
Medii cu neodimiu
Medii-bas cu neodimiu
Woofer-e cu neodimiu
Difuzoare coaxiale
Pâlnii pentru driver-e
Catalog 2014
Descărcaţi aici catalog Precision Transducers în limba engleză.
PDF, 4.70MB
Click aici pentru descărcare.
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Telefon: (+4) 0266-364.609
Mobil: (+4) 0745-605.993
E-mail: office[a]rcfaudio.ro
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