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DCA 6020
10 pole, terminated RJ45 multipolar cable, 20m
10 pole connection cable to connect DMS 6410 and DMS 6410X paging microphones to the DMU 6100, lenght 20m, terminated RJ 45.
10 pole connection cable, lenght 20m, terminated RJ45
To connect DMS 6410 and DMS 6410X paging microphones to the DMU 6100
• FORUM 6000 system
• 17180031
Selectaţi o categorie:
Forum 2000
Forum 6000
DMU 6100
DMS 6410
DMS 6410X
DEC 6104
DPS 6202
DCA 6000
DCA 6005
DCA 6010
DCA 6020
Forum 9000
Catalog 2010
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